ABET Español / Inglés

Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales

Overall objective

Form Engineers in Computational Systems that design, develop, implement and automate technological systems in the areas of: Software, Networks and Hardware, adapting new technologies to the needs demanded by public or private organizations from an entrepreneurial, ethical and humanistic approach with social responsability.

Procedure and income profile

Based on the institutional regulations, the applicant will apply the entrance examination of knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the Computational Systems Engineer study plan.

The applicant must comply with the admission requirements indicated in the current regulations and by the selection process approved by the University Council, as well as the stipulations above.

In addition, it is desirable that the applicant show the following skills:


  • Ability to analyze and solve real problems
  • Ability to create mental maps
  • Permanent provision for self-learning
  • Desirable skill for mathematical and analytical calculations
  • Time management capacity
  • Desire for personal and social improvement
  • Teamwork
  • Proactivity


Graduate profile

Graduates of Computer Systems Engineering must have a profile that provides them with a professional identity, the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values ​​that students are expected to develop in the areas of Software, Networks and Hardware in environments that range from the micro even the big companies, the government sector, as well as the postulates of exit called “outcomes” of the international accreditation body ABET.

Qualification requirements

The qualification requirements are specified based on article 156 of the General Teaching Regulations of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

“Once accredited all the subjects and requirements indicated in the curriculum of the careers of technical level, technical superior and bachelor, the graduate may request the issuance of his degree in the Department of School Control, after complying with the following elements :

I.- Have complied with the requirements of Social Service, Humanistic Training, Professional Practices and Foreign Languages, defined in the institutional programs;

II.- Check that there is no debt owed to the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes;

III.- To have covered the quota established in the arbitration plan for obtaining the title; and

IV.- To have presented the exit exam. ”

Qualification requirements

Unidad de medida Requisito
9 créditos Programa Institucional de Formación Humanista
Acreditar Programa Institucional de Lenguas Extranjeras
240 horas Programa Institucional de Prácticas Profesionales
500 horas Programa Institucional de Servicio Social
1 Examen de egreso

Field of action of the graduate

In general, an Engineer in Computational Systems can perform within his field of action in the following activities:

  • Employed in private initiative as:

Systems director, application development manager, project leader, systems analyst, internal or external systems auditor, systems maintenance administrator, ICT director, among many other activities.

  • Official in the Federal, State and Municipal Governments in the design, development and maintenance of computer systems as well as computer networks.
  • Owner of his own software development, consulting or sale of computer systems, among the most important options.
  • Possibility to develop as academics or to carry out postgraduate studies for research.